In June 2014 I did a month-long trip to Canada and Alaska. First, I spent one week in Vancouver, and then flew to Alaska for another three weeks. In Vancouver I did a whale-watching trip to Vancouver Island and saw lots of killer whales, and also spent a couple of days in Stanley Park looking for wildlife. After arriving in Anchorage, Alaska, I flew to St. Paul Island in the Bering Sea for seabird photography and stayed there for four days hanging out with hardcore birders.
Returning to Anchorage, I rented a car and drove north to Denali National Park where I took the shuttle bus into the park three successive days. After spending a small week in the inland, I headed south to the Kenai Peninsula south of Anchorage. There I visited Katmai National Park on a day trip flying out from Homer looking for brown bears. Later I visited Seward, and did a Kenai Fjords National Park cruise looking for marine mammals and birds. Using the links to the left, you will find a number of photos from these destinations, and a few on-the-road photos from the Alaskan trip.